A Caring Professional To Make You Feel Better

Introducing Mersey Gynaecology
Personalised Care
Mr Ash Alam is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with a busy NHS practice at Arrowe Park Hospital, Wirral. He consults privately at Sefton Hospital (Crosby & Aintree), Spire Murrayfield Hospital, Wirral, The Portland Hospital, London and The Beehive Health & Wellbeing Centre, Chester. Please click on the Services tab above for more information about the services provided.
Medical Practice
Mr Alam has extensive experience in general Obstetrics & Gynaecology with a special interest in gynaecological ultrasound scanning and the treatment of problem periods and pelvic pain. We understand how important your appointment is to you and our practice takes pride in our personal relationship with our patients. Whether in the consultation or the ultrasound room, you will always feel you are in good hands.
Our aim is to always make sure you have enough time during your consultation to enable you to fully understand your problem, and you will always be dealt with in a dignified, discreet and professional manner by all members of the team.
Patient reviews and feedback:

Contact Me
I love helping my patients feel healthy and happy.
Sefton Hospital Crosby & Aintree
1 Kenilworth Road
Liverpool L23 3AD
0151 529 6799 (Main Reception)
0151 529 6801 (Main Reception)
0151 529 6800 (Outpatient Appointments)
Spire Murrayfield Hospital
Holmwood Drive
Wirral CH61 1AU
0151 929 5281
Wirral Women & Children's Hospital
Arrowe Park Hopsital
Wirral CH49 5PE
0151 604 7412